Thursday, September 21, 2006

Different city, same Alex

London is about half a world away from Chicago, which led me to believe that maybe I would become, like, time-warp Alex: organized, neat, on time. The kinder, gentler, 2.0 version. To my great surprise, my room is a mess, it's 11:33 a.m. and I haven't bothered to get dressed, and yesterday I was so sarcastic that a British person responded in surprise. Come on! Stiff upper lip! British humor! I don't know...

Anyway I've moved in to my room. Here is mostly what it looks like:

Don't worry, Mom & Dad, those ARE the hospital sheets they assigned to me. I did not go out and buy a duvet cover.

And if you come to visit and you wonder why I am unclean and my clothes smell terrible, it's because my shower looks like this:

and laundry costs $3.50 a load. SIXTEEN DOLLARS TO WASH MY CLOTHES. A big ol' WTF to that.

Finally, we did the Tourist Thing last night and walked around Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square, and the theater district. It was a blasty blast, and I had some delicious food (not just ok, but great) for the first time here.

My friends stopped to take pictures on a busy street during rush hour in Piccadilly, and I almost died. Just about the time I recovered, we went to a bar called The Texas Embassy. In London. I know. Oh well.


Blogger Nell Minow said...

I thought the purple sheets were a tribute to Northwestern! Go Wildcats! And go Alex! I am loving the adventures of Alex in Londonland. Any museums yet?

xxx Aunt Nell

6:06 AM  
Blogger Alex said...

A branch of the Tate in Liverpool...and that's about it. But I have seen two legitimate pieces of theater, so it's not so bad!

5:51 AM  

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